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Think About it -- A Ship on Dry Land

He was warned about something he couldn’t see, and acted on what he was told. The result? His family was saved.

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Think About it -- Worry and Faith

This week’s message is directed at myself. The rest of you can listen in. Johnny Cash told the story of a man confronting him on the streets of Falmouth, Jamaica saying, “Mr. Cash, I’m a worried man.” Cash asked him what he was worried about. He explained he had no job, a wife and 9 children. Cash then wrote the song, “Worried Man.” For too much of my l...

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“…The Lord does not look at the things people look at. People look at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.” (I Samuel 16:7).

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Rise And Go

Jesus was overwhelmed briefly, then after praying, said, “… rise, let’s go.”

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I Did That For You

They hit so fast there were no skid marks from either vehicle.

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Security Operations Summit (SOS) 2023

There is no church and faith-based organization security seminar that comes close to the comprehensive focus of the annual FBSN Summit event.

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God Still Wins

July 4th, 1776 did not mark the end of the bloody and hard-fought battle for America’s freedom from British rule

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Normalcy Bias

I spoke with a man this week who is in the Cyber Security and the IT field. A few days ago, he took a walk on the other side of security. Hearing his dogs move around in the dark of the night, he realized he needed to get up and let them out. But he was so sleepy he laid still, hoping his wife would hear them and get up first. He found out later she had heard them too and was doing the same ...

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