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“Blow Them up, Burn Them, Shoot Them, Slaughter Their Necks and Run Them Over”

Be prepared to defend the defenseless, but always stay mindful of who we are and Who we represent.

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Not of Anger

We never respond out of anger at any guilty party.

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Think About it -- To Become a Victim is Free

The Defense Department has poured hundreds of millions of dollars into this research...

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Think About it -- Forgive me for the Times I Wore That

The most experienced warrior has only glimpsed the ugliness of evil Christ experienced then and now

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Think About it -- A Somber Reflection of Our Vulnerabilities

You will never see an attorney lay his hand on the bible in a trial and swear to tell the truth. They don’t have to.

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Think About it -- A Wake up Call on Your Cell Phone

From the day the serpent asked Eve, “Did God really say?” till now, communication has been used to disrupt, deceive and destroy.

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Think About it -- When Good is Called Evil and Evil Called Good

Our society continues racing towards corruption with a fervor!

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Think About it -- the "Preventing Private Paramilitary Activity Act"

The role of the private citizen is only forfeited by that person’s choices to not vote and / or not contact their appropriate representatives when they should.

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